Documenting a Day

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Many different applications or programs can be used to help produce word documents, calculated fields, and presentations and manipulate databases. Some popular applications include Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Along with popular database management tools like MySQL and Snowflake. Each of these programs has unique advantages that make them suitable for specific applications, while their disadvantages require different programs to complete the same task. A word processor is excellent at writing a journal entry; Excel is great at calculating formulas and visualizing data. At the same time, PowerPoint is ideal when presenting information, and database programs make it easy to gather and transform data into information. Reflecting on the experience of using these programs to document your daily activities will help provide a greater understanding of each program’s strengths and weaknesses to help decide which is most appropriate for each application. 

When comparing the functions of a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications, it is essential to understand the purpose of an application regarding its ability to complete a task. According to Vahid and Lysecky (2019), “A word processor is a common computer application for creating formatted text” (Section 5.1). Which allows a user to compose, edit, save, and print word documents. In contrast, a spreadsheet program like Excel uses individual cells, columns, and rows to store data. Nassereldine et al. (2022) explain, “spreadsheets are a great simplistic tool with a quick-and-easy way to analyze a dataset” (p. 1). A spreadsheet can do this because formulas can be entered into cells and used to calculate different values between cells. 

In addition, a presentation program like PowerPoint is an excellent tool for organizing and displaying important information. Text, images, and animations are used along with themes in a slide show to make presenting ideas or information to an audience more effective than a word document or spreadsheet. A database application like MySQL functions as a data retrieval device that can help access large datasets organized in tables. Data can be added, edited, deleted, and queried from tables stored in the database using SQL (Structured Query Language). Not all these applications are great at performing the same tasks. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, making them ideal for some jobs and unproductive for others. 

A word processor has a clear advantage when creating formatted text like writing a novel or report, but it cannot calculate or analyze data like a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet can help analyze the results of a survey and can visualize data in graphs or charts. Still, it cannot communicate the results in rich text like a word processor. The advantage of a presentation application is that it can be used to display information created in a word processor or spreadsheet but is not great at calculating data or creating lengthy text documents. According to Dusaj (2013), “PowerPoint software can transform simple words on a single slide into a captivating, dynamic presentation” (p. 43). Unlike a database program which is excellent at compiling data into information or calculating values like a spreadsheet but fails to provide a way to format or visualize consumable information. 

When comparing and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of these programs, a word processor would be the most appropriate for documenting information about someone’s daily activities. The word processor allows a user to produce rich text that can be formatted and adjusted to meet the writer’s needs. Headers and bullet points can be added to help separate content and organize it in a way that makes it understandable to readers. In addition, a word processor can also be used to write reports for work or school and can be formatted to meet specific requirements like APA formatting. A spreadsheet is optimal for tracking a small business’s expenditures and calculating revenue changes. Furthermore, presentation software would be appropriate for presenting a business proposal for a possible client. A database program can easily compile large data sets to help analyze a website’s performance or market trends.

After reflecting on how valuable each program is at documenting information and the different functions each program offers, we find it easier to understand which programs are helpful for each task and their limitations. When it comes to word processors, these are ideal for documenting text that can be formatted in an organized fashion which turned out to be the best program for recording daily activities. A spreadsheet is fantastic at calculating the time spent doing these activities because it can use formulas to sum the value of cells. A program like PowerPoint allows users to present their findings in an interactive and immersive experience, which helps to keep an audience’s attention while helping them to remember the information. While a database program helps ensure large sets of data can be retrieved and analyzed for insights into a particular subject. Furthermore, reflecting on how programs are used to document or retrieve information is an opportunity to explore how these programs function and what they offer.


Dusaj, T. K. (2013). Pump up your PowerPoint® presentations. American Nurse Today, 8(7), 43–46.

Nassereldine, A., Chen, P., & Xiong, J. (2022). Excel Spreadsheet Analyzer.

Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2019). Fundamentals of information technology & literacy. zyBooks, a Wiley brand.
